Location: Taipei, Taiwan
Start Date: Available immediately
Description: POST-DOCTORAL FELLOW POSITIONS are available to join the neurorehabilitation research group of Professor Keh-chung Lin, School of Occupational Therapy at National Taiwan University, for those interested in rehabilitation, neuroengineering, biomedical engineering, nursing, public health/epidemiology, psychometrics, neuropsychology, neurological science, rehabilitation robots, machine and deep learning, or big data science. The successful candidates will be involved in collaborative research projects for interdisciplinary, research with a focus on neurorehabilitation and outcome evaluations.
Major components of the work include research and publication in areas of interested areas of the candidates. Topics of research may include instrument evaluations, study of treatment interventions, such as mirror therapy robotic therapy, and augmented reality relevant for stroke or other populations with disabilities. The projects assigned to the fellows will be determined based on the background and research orientation of the fellows. The candidate may propose research plan in line with individual research expertise in areas other than the above that may contribute to extension of our current research. There will be opportunities to attend conferences and publish papers with support from our grants funded by the National Science and Technology Council.
Requirements: A doctoral degree in areas related to rehabilitation sciences or
physical and occupational Therapy, speech and language pathology, nursing, movement science, rehabilitation robots, neuro- or biomedical engineering, psychometrics, psychology, assistive technology (e.g., augmented reality), or public health/epidemiology. Fluency in English and ability to communicate in Mandarin are needed.
Payments: The hired fellows will be paid in accord with the standards of the National Taiwan University. Additional stipends are available for fellows with competitive academic productivity.
Applications: Please submit your CV and research publications (or doctoral dissertation)
by Email to Professor Keh-chung Lin at kehchunglin@ntu.edu.tw.
Mail Address: School of Occupational Therapy, College of Medicine, National
Taiwan University, 17, F4, Xu Zhou Road, Taipei, Taiwan. Tel: 886-2-3366-8180.